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Being well versed in the media industry for 9+ years comes with A LOT of knowledge. The push for Diversity and Inclusion has become the standard in this social climate, but is there authenticity behind it? As the former social media co-chair of the National Association for Multi-Ethnicity in Communications–New York Chapter, it is easy to speak to the never ending efforts for true representation. As we see an increase in year-end reports, published by most companies, I argue that there is so much work that needs to be done in order to ensure equality in the work place. There has to be a willingness to accept and explore new methods, ideas, concepts. Often times the idea of true integration poses the biggest threat to unjust systems that are secretly upheld, ultimately creating smoke mirrors. Over the course of my career, I've accepted many positions at face value, simply because my work is often aligned with the opportunity to elevate African American culture. This doesn't make the task easy.
In other words, you can have the successful idea, it just can't be traced back to you once accepted by the masses.
Black women are increasingly leading in senior roles across all industries. However, the line between playing the game and and exercising power for positive change is extremely thin. We are often given the heavy responsibility, but are less likely to receive the support in order to carry them out. Further proving that there is a huge disconnect between the general push for equality and actual improvement. The conception of Black women being the back bone of new trends, makes us the easiest target for imitation, as well as demise once no longer deemed beneficial.
How is the information validated? While most of my experience is comprised of many positions with companies that were owned and mainly operated by black women. I have also been the minority in several leadership roles.
One will rarely find allies who speak up against discrimination in the work place. So the best way to navigate, is to eliminate all emotion attached to responsibility. Assess each situation at hand, and figure out the best way to resolve without negatively affecting others. Often times, the best solution is to walk away. There is power in letting go or simply choosing not to become involved in activities that present injustice for others. Social Media is a powerful tool which presents the opportunity for broader visibility. It is important to use the communal spaces for empowerment and enlightenment. Create awareness in ways that will benefit the environment.
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